Saturday, January 17, 2009

Gila Monster From Planet Zeeb

hey guys, i've been posting early because i can't sleep & i sleep all damned day. i need to fix my sleeping groove, any tips? anyway, i'm still churning out this crap, going to every day. on monday, i'm going to once again, start something new, this time around i'll just be going through my collection, putting up EVERY album i have. haha. only one a day, so i can have a lot of posts! :D it's cheap but hell, you'll get something new everyday. i haven't decided if i'm posting the albums in alphabetical order or the artists. we'll see. if this seems like a bad idea, PLEASE let me know. i want to keep whoever i have here. haha. alright, here's your music.

Elf-Titled - the Advantage

The Horrors EP - the Horrors

Puro Desmadre - Mad Ramblers


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